Noteable Results

Hit and Run

Hit and Run / DUI – A pedestrian was hit by a drunk driver. She suffered severe burns, surgeries, disfigurement, […]

Premises Liability

Wrongful Death Shooting –  The client was killed in a parking lot where a patron of the bar errantly shot

Wrongful Death Shooting

Wrongful Death Shooting –  The client was killed in a parking lot where a patron of the bar errantly shot

Motor Vehicle Crash

Motor Vehicle Crash –  The client was broadsided while making a turn into work.  This was a disputed liability crash

Motor Vehicle Crash

Motor Vehicle Crash – The client suffered a shoulder injury and underwent shoulder surgery. Paid – $300,000.00

Motor Vehicle Crash

Motor Vehicle Crash  – This was motor vehicle crash with moderate impact. The client had shoulder surgery. Paid – $225,000.00

Motor Vehicle Crash

Motor Vehicle Crash – This was a moderate-impact crash where the client had neck surgery. Paid – $250,000.00 (policy limits)

Motor Vehicle Crash

Motor Vehicle Crash – The client was a passenger in a vehicle that broad sided.  He suffered neck and back

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